
Rostock has several contact points which happily offer their support for nearly every problem.

In an unknown country or city, it is important to find help. Many German citizens realised how important this support is and incorporate benevolent societies, organisations and points of contact which offer advices to several issues.
We like to offer an overview of these institutions:


PRO ASYL fights for the rights of refugees and migrants. They help people seeking protection and investigate human rights abuses at the borders. They also fight for an open society in which refugees receive protection.
Postfach 16 06 24
60069 Frankfurt/M.
Zentraler Kontakt per E-Mail: proasyl(at)

Rostock Miteinander

Rostock Miteinander answers questions and helps to connect people and initiatives, which are or planning to be engaged in refugee assistance. The page is still in progress.

Flüchtlingsrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.

The association supports the subsequent immigration of the spouse and of minor children of foreigners. The contributors would like to extent access to work, education and training opportunities for refugees as well as decent housing and unrestricted medical care.
Postfach 11 02 29
19002 Schwerin
Telefon: +49 (0)385 / 581 57 90
Telefax: +49 (0)385 / 581 57 91

Rostocker miteinander

This internet portal offers further information on integration concepts and projects.

migra e.V. – Sprache, Bildung und Integration für MigrantInnen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(mirga e.V. – Language, education and integration for migrants in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Several immigrants from the Russian, Arabic and Chinese areas; and Germans work together at Migra to stand up for a democratic, pluralistic and intercultural society, which is shaped collectively by immigrants and Germans.
Waldemarstraße 32
18057 Rostock
Tel: 0381 44431160

Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Rostock (The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Commissioner for refugees
Isabell Wresch
Tel.: 0381 338-510


The association supports the migrant’s council of the hanseatic city of Rostock
Migro and its supporting association are based at the Interkulturellen Zentrum (intercultural centre) Waldemarhof. They are sponsors of several projects for the work with migrants, for example the multicultural weeks of Rostock and many activities against xenophobia and right-wing radicalism.
Waldemarstraße 33
18057 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 210 440 15

Soziale Bildung e.V. (social education)

This association supports various projects in political youth and adult education focussing intercultural education.
Soziale-Bildung e.V.
Doberaner Str. 21
18057 Rostock

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge BAMF (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees)

Branch office
Nostorf-Horst (Außenstelle)
Nostorfer Straße 1
19258 Nostorf-Horst, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Telefon: 038847 20-0
Telefax: 038847 20-199

Migrationsamt Rostock (migration office)
Neuer Markt 1
18055 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 381 2251

Migrantenrat Rostock

The council for Migrants in Rostock and the integration commissioner is an important destination for general consulting of foreigners.


Ökohaus e.V. Rostock
Hermannstrasse 36
18055 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 45 59 41

Träger des Asylbewerberhaus Rostock

Satower Str. 129
18059 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 4444690

IQ Netzwerk

IQ Service point for counselling of validations of education, work and qualification.
Budapester Str. 16
18057 Rostock
Tel.:0381 44431162


Fortbildungsakademie der Wirtschaft (Training academy for economics)
Carl- Hopp- Str.4a
18069 Rostock
Telefon: 0381 252709-0
Telefax: 0381 252709-14

Frauenbildungsnetz (women education network)

Educational services including issues of equality policy.
G3 Frauenbildungsnetz M-V e.V.
Heiligengeisthof 3
18055 Rostock
Fon: 0381 | 490 77 14

Diakonie Rostocker Stadtmission e. V. (Diakonie City Mission)

Social counselling for grown-up migrants.
Bergstr. 10
18057 Rostock
Telefon: +49 381 46136-0
E-Mail: info(at)

Stiftung für Ehrenamt und bürgerliche Engagement in MV (Foundation for volunteering and civic engagement in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Consultation for financial support of social projects.
Eisenbahnstrasse 8
18273 Güstrow
Tel.: 03843/774990

Interkultureller Garten Rostock (intercultural garden of Rostock)
Erich – Schlesinger- Str. 21A
18059 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 455941

Volkshochschule (adult education centre)

Language courses in several languages for adults
Am Kabutzenhof 20A
18057 Rostock

Deutsche Angestellten Akademie (DAA) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (German Employee Academy)

Language Courses
Schiffbauerring 59
18109 Rostock

Dien Hong

Being an officially recognised educational institution, Dien Hong organises and conceptualises since 2002 different courses, readings, presentations, discussion groups and other events for general and political training.
Waldemarstr. 33
18057 Rostock
Telefon: 0381 768 99 72

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